BALTIC WORKER, BALTIC EXPLORER AND MINTIS are available both for works at sea and underwater depending on your purposes.
Whether you need a crane for construction, repair, prospecting, pipelaying, dredging activities or vessel supervision, BALTIC WORKER can handle the job. It's equipped with a powerful dredger and sonar, which lets observe the bottom lay and monitor underwater works. The lifting force of BALTIC WORKER crane is 40 tons. It has 8 engines: 4 main for navigating and maneuvering and 4 additional for controlling equipment units.
MINTIS and BALTIC EXPLORER are research vessels suitable for numerous operations both at sea and in port. On board, scientists research the seabed and objects on it, perform soil analysis, examine water pollution, and make markings for cable laying. The vessels are currently involved in a projet for offshore wind farms construction in Europe.
These versatile vessels participate in various international projects and commonly used for:
- Cable lay
- Remotely Operated Vehicle (ROV) support and maintenance
- CPT/ Vibrocore campaigns
- Cable burial and remedial burial
- Seismic support
- Geotechnical activities
- Backfilling of trenches in shallow waters
- Implementation of survey activities
- Assistance during port operations and offshore wind farm construction
- Dredging activities
- Anchor handling.

Research vessel BALTIC EXPLORER new
BALTIC EXPLORER is a compact research vessel designed to carry out complex oceanographic research and to support marine business with high quality hydrographic and geophysical services.
Equipped with high accuracy positioning system (DP1) and advanced integrated communication systems, the vessel is ready to accommodate modern hydrographic, geological, geophysical, equipment in order to provide key maritime research services:
- Geological and hydrographic investigations of the sea floor
- Sea bottom inspection & morphology
- Soil and water sampling
- Vibro-coring and CPT testing
- ROV services
- Geophysical investigation
- Shallow and deep seismics
- UXO and other buried objects
BALTIC EXPLORER provides an efficient and stable working platform to support various survey, engineering, salvage and diving operations:
- Seismic support
- Geotechnical activities
- Cable lay, burial and remedial burial
- CPT / Vibrocore campaigns
- Offshore wind farm, cabling, pipeline laying pre-construction and monitoring surveys
- Remotely Operated Vehicle (ROV) support and maintenance
For your convenient stay onboard the vessel:
- 24h accommodation facilities for 23 PAX (including crew)
- Comfortable and economical cruise at 12 knots
- Air conditioned mess room and accommodation area
- Comfortable PC lab for surveyors
- Wi-Fi and Satellite internet facilities
Vessel specifications
Call sign / IMO: LYBW / 8917663
Classification BV 1 HULL • MACH
(Dynapsos AM / AT)
Type: Special service / Support vessel
Flag: Lithuania MMSI n°: 277199040
Vessel code: C217 DP: 1
VSAT: +441346490607
Beam O.A: 11,5 m
Draft: 3,1 m
Tonnage: GRT 498 / NRT 153
Clear deck area: 300 m² (total load max 40 t) Length (m) x Breadth (m): 12x11 wooden area, 7x6 metal framed area Load Bearing Capacity: 0.2 t/m , (1 t/m on the metal frame)
Type S16 R MPTA / Schottel AZIMUT 360° /
Twin propellers Type / Schottel STP 550
Maximum speed: 12 knots
Cruising speed: 10 knots
Main thrusters: Schottel AZIMUT 360° /
Twin propellers Type Schottel STP 550
Bow thruster: 1,5 T
Thwart. FP thruster (f)
Moonpool: Yes
A-FRAME: Max SWL-12t (10t, 2t, 2t)
Fresh water: 4,5 m³ (0,2 m³/h) with AQUA-BASE watermakers YC2-4320-07/12 Sewage tank capacity: 9,4 m³
(depends on the weather)
Cruising speed cons: 125 L/h
Stand by cons: at sea 50 L/h Stand by cos: in port 20 L/h
DP mode cons: 100 L/h
Cabins: 1 Single / 6 Double / 2 Triple / 4 passengers in 1 TLQ (for 23 persons)

Multipurpose crane vessel BALTIC WORKER
Trading area: Unrestricted
Call sign / IMO: LYAZ / 8829426
Classification society: PRS
Class ship type: Multipurpose Offshore Support Vessel
Class notation: 100A1 LMC
Breadth o.a.: 10,34 m
Draft: 1,42 (shallow) - 2,39 (max) m
GRT: 359
NRT: 107
Max. deck load: 5 ton/m²
Free deck space: 150 m²
Bollard pull: 6 ton
Power output: 800 kW / 1088 hp
Propulsion: 4 x 360 deg. Schottel pumpjets
Main engines: Mitsubishi S6N-MPTA
Auxiliary engines: 51 kVA
290 kVA
111 kVA / 89 kW
Anchor winch aft: 13 ton
Anchor winch fore: 5-7 ton
Deck crane: 178 tm
Dredging pump: 1600 m3/hr
Fuel transfer pump Aft: See certificate
Fuel transfer pump: See certificate
Fore Hydraulic deck crane: 40 tm, 1 ton at 14,3 m
Jet pump: 1000 m3/hr
Fresh water: 25 m³
- Auto pilot RZ/RHM Seapilot 75
- Echosounder Furuno FCV-581L
- Epirb Jotron Tron 40 S
- FleetBroadBand 250 JRC JUE-250
- GPS Furuno GP-500
- GPS Furuno GP-90
- GPS Furuno GP-150
- Gyro AD converter Furuno AD100
- Inmarsat-C Sailor H2095C
- Inmarsat-C Sailor H2095C
- Iridium System Sailor SC4000A/MKIII
- Magnetic compass Observator Pilot MK3
- Magnetic compass Cassens & Plath 21
- MF / HF transceiver Furuno FS-1562-15
- Navtex Receiver NSR
- Navtex Lokata Navtex 2
- Radar JRC JMA-5310/6
- Sart Jotron Tronsart 20
- Satelite compass Furuno SC-502
- Sonar (2x) Tritech International Limited Super Seaking
- VHF Sailor RT2048
- VHF / MF DSC controller Furuno DSC-6A
- VHF DSC Furuno FM-8500
- VHF DSC Sailor RT5022
- VHF GMDSS handheld ICOM IC-GM1500E
- VHF GMDSS handheld ICOM IC-GM1500E
- Wind indicator Obsermet OMC / OMO160

Research vessel MINTIS
Hemisphere RTK GPS
CTD90M with Inductive Curent meter ISM
2001 Teledyne NXIC CTD
PRS with integrante Sea&Sun
CTD – 115
Vibro core VKG 3 – 3 core up to 6 m
Gravity cores up to 3 m
Fledermaus, Quimera